About Us

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Darl Black has been enjoying the outdoors since he was old enough to accompany his father on fishing, boating and hunting outings.

Trained as a teacher, Darl switched careers to pursue outdoor writing and photography, specializing in freshwater angling. His byline and photos have appeared regularly in national and regional print publications for over 40 years, as well as appearances on radio, television and as seminar speaker at sport shows.

In addition to ongoing writing projects, Darl prepares the online NW PA Fishing Report on behalf of PA Great Lakes Region tourism.

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A skilled grant writer and editor, Marilyn Ann Wolfe Black is most comfortable when sharing the outdoors with family and friends.

Fishing is her #1 interest followed by boating, kayaking, hiking, photography and bicycling. For ten years, she served as a Commissioner on the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. For the next decade, she hosted a regional weekly radio program titled “Afield and Afloat with Marilyn Black.”

Today her articles and photographs are published in “Pennsylvania Angler and Boater Magazine”. She often escorts guests through the distinctive natural and historic sites in northwestern Pennsylvania. She is an excellent proofreader!  She recently retired after 25 years in heritage development on behalf of the Oil Region National Heritage Area.

For consulting services please call Marilyn to discuss your organization’s needs; together we’ll determine if our expertise is a good fit.