November 21 issue of NW PA Fishing Report

Warm water temperatures held on much longer than usual this fall, postponing the peak mid-to-late-fall bite. But the bite has kicked in recently and some very fine bass and crappie catches are being made. Erie steelhead run remains spotty due to lack of rain but that might change with the rain and snow currently falling....


July issue of NW PA Fishing Report 7-12-24

Fishing is taking a backseat this summer for many anglers due to excessive heat and excessive stormy weather. However, anglers who enjoy the heat are reaping benefits. The Lake Erie summer migrating walleye population is even greater this year than last according to many locals: it’s rumored many boat anglers are limiting out in 30...


May issue of NW PA Fishing Report 5-13-24

It continues to be a wet, stormy, overcast spring for the most part with only scattered days of warmth and sun. Normal fishing patterns have been upset somewhat this spring, but hopefully going into the second week of May, the weather and water conditions will normalize somewhat. Right now the hot bites are crappies, smallmouth...


April issue of NW PA Fishing Report 4-12-24

It’s been a wild ride here in NW PA for the last six weeks with wide swings in the weather. At times, fishing has been very good for this early in the year, but then a dramatic change occurs with either sudden major drop in temperature or heavy, prolonged rainfall that floods area stream, lakes...